Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Red Stone

First Published Friday, November 12th, 2006 on

Someone from another site has asked me why I use the Red Stone for my logo? The short answer is that it symbolizes a value that is fundamental to my worldview.

I had taken a workshop at Elk Island National Park (near Edmonton, Alberta). A local Shamanic practitioner holds an annual retreat to teach people how to get in touch with the natural world and the non-ordinary reality, (some people refer to this as the Spirit Realm).

The weekend was full of rituals and celebrations and we did half a dozen exercises that were geared to increasing awareness, trusting intuition, and opening-up to a broader definition of spirituality.

For me, the most significant activity was this:

We were asked to wander away from the camp and dowsing with a pendulum, find 7 stones - 4 to represent the directions and 3 for any intentions that came to mind while we were undertaking this task. We spent the next hour or two gathering stones, thinking about the presence of Spirit in all things and anticipating what would happen next, (the Red Stone was not one of the stones I found that day).

When we returned, we were asked to prepare the stones by washing them and decorating them with paint and then blessing them with rattles and incense, (I chose not to paint mine).

Next we were given a demonstration on how to do "Intuitive Readings" by listening for the symbolic messages that the stones would reveal to us. Then finally, after the demonstration we were asked to pair-off and start doing readings for one another. This step, of course, made many people uncomfortable or at least brought-up doubt, but I was moved to embrace it.

The Red Stone was the first stone I added to my original set of seven. I found this lovely red stone when out walking with my children, but had some strange feelings about arbitrarily adding it to my "Spirit Stones." So, I carried it around with me as I tried to discern what to do. I also had questions about how I would discover the meaning of the stone, because I had had an intention in mind when I found each of the others.

Within a week or so, I realized that I should include it with the others and I decided that because of the redness, it would stand for "passion." But when I started doing readings with it I discovered that it really represents something more like "motivation" and that it actually has 3 subtly different meanings, the most powerful of which is "the best outcome for all concerned."

I feel completely at ease doing these readings and I now understand that I have a gift. In the intervening two years have done more than a hundred readings and people are continually impressed with the information that is revealed to me by the stones and through intuition. The original set now consists of 12 stones, two bones, and a little metal wedge, (and I use another set of six stones for energy work).

Interesting to note is that one of my closest friends and a man who is quite clairvoyant recently said to me that "I sense there is a Shaman archetype emerging through you
" (me). It's a weird thing for me to comprehend, but I'm trusting that by following this path, I am indeed moving towards that intention - "the best outcome for all concerned."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Want to Develop Your Psychic Abilities? Just Start.

Everyone has psychic abilities. We all occasionally, "know who's calling" a moment before we pick up the phone, or read someone's "thoughts" by saying exactly what's on their mind. Some people may be more "gifted" but everybody can train themselves to get reliable answers.

The problem is, our world distracts us. Our cultures and families muddle-up our internal ways of knowing. We come to mistrust ourselves and we learn to rely on outer signs and indicators for our direction. The opinions of friends and family, concerns about status or income and our responsibilities to loved ones all tend to 'colour' anything that feels like inspiration.

When we are at our best, or "in the flow," we are better able to plug-in to our higher consciousness. Therefore part of my practice is to do something to either "psyche" myself-up or calm myself-down so I have a better channel open to my psychic skills. I might wash myself in Chi energy, spin seven times while clapping my hands over my head, or focus on my breathing for a few minutes. All of these can bring-on an altered-state of awareness.

The next challenge is practice. As with all skills, regular practice will improve your results. I recommend a few simple exercises to my students. Try these:
  • Everyday before you check your mailbox, guess whether you have mail; predict how many pieces of mail; or guess the cities of origin.
  • If you listen to radio, guess the next song you'll hear or the next word.
  • Use a pendulum, Urim & Thummim, or flip a coin to decide which route to take to school, to guess the outcome of a game, or to make other choices.
If you use these exercises daily you will open-up again to your inner knowing and your psychic practice will yield better results.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Shaman Soup

The late, brilliant alternative thinker Terence McKenna spoke eloquently about the shaman's role in society. Many videos, articles and interviews are available which present McKenna's thinking and experiences. These ideas have helped me reflect on my own path.

The shaman is someone who has... stepped outside the confines of learned culture and learned and embedded language, into the domain of what Wittgenstein called "the unspeakable", the transcendental presence of the other [to gain] knowledge which can be brought back into ordinary social space for the good of the community. So in the context of ninety percent of human culture, the shaman has been the agent of evolution, because the shaman learns the techniques to go between ordinary reality and the domain of the ideas. This higher dimensional continuum is somehow parallel to us, available to us, and yet ordinarily occluded by cultural convention (out of fear of the mystery). And what shamans are, I believe, are people who have been able to de-condition themselves from the community's instinctual distrust of the mystery, and to go into it, to go into this bewildering higher dimension, and gain knowledge, recover the jewel lost at the beginning of time, to save souls, cure, commune with the ancestors and so forth and so on.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thanks Lady Mouse

Click Photo to read quote, (click back to return)

I saw my link on a pagan forum today, and I appreciated the nice words of my friend Lady Mouse.
Anyone who enjoys my blog are encouraged to leave comments and pass the word...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Learning to "Talk to Your Stones"

I've occasionally referred to "talking to the stones" but in case someone doesn't understand what I mean, please follow my thoughts.

Almost all of spoken language is based on metaphors. In this explanation the term "spirits" is used as a METAPHOR to talk about 'the energy of life,' which is 'the great mystery' and what many refer to as 'God.'

Folklore says that the 'Stone People' have the oldest spirits because they were here first. The stone spirits are very wise and can teach you many things. If you listen to them, and invite them to open to teaching you their wisdom, I assure you that you will be ASTOUNDED at the information available to you. All of world history; the mechanics of the universe; who knows what you might learn about? I hope of course that your intention is also to help people learn about themselves.

So... the way to talk to your stones, is to assume a reverent or 'prayerful' state of mind. I would light a candle and burn incense too. Begin by speaking aloud saying "I chose you for this... because..." or "I felt called by you and so..." Address each stone in turn, acknowledging them as teachers, and welcoming them into your journey.

The human psyche loves ritual and the more 'ritualized' you make these processes, the more deeply significant your rituals will become.


You missed one "Dick."

So I came across this Richard Wilkins article on EzineArticles and wondered where he had gotten his information.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I've just discovered a very interesting blog - VooDooWhoDo. It covers a wide variety of occult topics, and offers many resources.

I was particularly interested in this post, which explains three other traditional methods for "stone divination" -

Sunday, March 2, 2008

One of the Oldest "Scams"

As a practicing "psychic reader" I am of course faced with the doubters and skeptics, and I show this article as evidence that some people out there are indeed frauds, manipulating people's weaknesses to get their MONEY.

I am not that way. I work "from the heart." And here is a story from the heart.

Confessions of a 1-900 Psychic

Galina Pembroke is a freelance writer in Nanaimo, BC.

Reading using the Chakra Form

Reading using a Chakra Form (Map of the Body)

Casting stones is one of the oldest methods of ‘fortune-telling,’ and everyone can use this simple method for reading a person’s chakras, balancing their energy, and for divination. I hope you enjoy this traditional divination method. I have personally experienced amazing accuracy with this technique.

This type of reading is able to reveal a person’s motivations and blind spots, and can provide insight into their particular life-path.

Your tools will be 7 ordinary stones, a bit of leather and a pendulum. To learn how to select your stones and use the pendulum, refer to the end notes.

This reading will be performed in 2 stages: First the chakra reading, then a reading using the stones.

Chakra Reading

Establish rapport with the client as you set-up. To learn how to draw the "map of the body," refer to the end notes.

Begin to imagine that the client is laying down flat on their back in front of you. Have the client hold this image in mind as well. Using your left hand, (right hand if you’re left handed) hold your pendulum over each chakra, starting from the root chakra (base of spine). Note the direction and speed your pendulum moves. Experience shows that the pendulum swings in a clockwise direction to indicate a healthy/open chakra. The pendulum will often speed-up or slow to indicate the degree of openness of each chakra. With a good basic understanding of the ‘mystical meaning’ of the chakra system, a lot can be interpreted.

At this point it is appropriate to clear the imbalances and open the client’s chakra system using sound. To learn how to use sound to balance chakra energy, refer to the end notes.

Stone Reading

Have the client hold the stones in their left hand and think of a question or a specific area of their life for which they want guidance. A question focuses the client’s energy and allows for more specific answers from your reading.

Write down their question, or if they request insight into a specific area of their life, write that down in the form of a question. You may also have them choose one stone and let that represent the theme for the reading.

Begin by having them gently roll, or spill the stones onto the leather form.

You will read the groupings like sentences. It may be necessary to repeat the sentences aloud 2 or 3 different ways, changing the emphasis and order of the words until the answer feels right. Trust that your intuition knows. Imagine that your higher self is guiding you.

First notice which stones are closest to the client. These may represent important themes in their life or specifically for this reading. What are their meanings? Ask the querrant if this seems significant.

Next, consider which stones are near or aligned with which chakras. What may this represent? Notice where stones lie in relation to body parts such as elbows or feet and note which side of the body (right side= left brain, (masculine/linear/rational); left side=right brain, (feminine/creative/emotional).

Stones that are grouped together or touching each other are read together because they are considered to be communicating. When this happens, try to combine them into one concept.

Next, check to see if any of the stones are lined-up in straight lines, (even if they are far apart across the leather form).

Also, consider the over-all shape or pattern made by the stones and ask the querrant if they can see any thing you will sometimes imagine a number, a letter, perhaps a bird, or another recognizable shape. Ask if this shape is significant.

If something is unclear, use your pendulum to ask your intuition for clarification.

I am always willing to answer your questions, so feel free to drop me an e-mail.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How to Do a Reading

So you'd like to learn an easy method for divination?

I have been doing psychic readings for many years - the last couple using "Shaman Stones." This highly reliable method of divination was taught to me by a respected shaman and intuitive. I will pass it on to anyone who is seriously interested in learning it.

Casting stones is one of the oldest and simplest methods of divination still in practice today. I have used this method for a number of years, always with pleasing accuracy.

This type of reading is able to reveal a snapshot in time, so if the querrant specifies a certain time frame, in the past or in the future, you can provide insight into that particular time as well as the present. You can also ask to talk to your "Spirit Guides" or "Guardian Angels."

How to Do a Reading

Have the querrant hold the stones in their left hand and think of a question or a specific area of their life for which they want guidance. A question focuses the reading, allowing you to give more specific answers.

Write down their question, or if they request insight into a specific area of their life, write that down in the form of a question. If they don't know, what to ask, tell them to choose one stone from their hand and let that represent the theme for the reading.

Begin by having them gently roll, or spill the stones onto a cotton cloth or other natural material.

You will try to read the lines and groupings like sentences. It may be necessary to repeat the sentences changing the emphasis and order of the words until the answer feels right. Trust your intuition to help you.

First notice which stones are closest to the querrant. Which are in the middle? What are their meanings? Ask the querrant if this seems significant.

Next, consider any stones that are grouped together or touching each other. These often represent important themes in the reading.

Next, read any stones that are lined-up straight, (even if they are far apart across the spread).

It's also useful to consider the over-all shape or pattern made by the stones. Ask the querrant if they can see anything - they will sometimes imagine a number, a letter, perhaps a bird, or another recognizable shape. Ask if this shape is significant.

If something is unclear, use your pendulum to ask your intuition for clarification.

I always make sure to draw the spread and make notes that I can refer to again in the future.

That's how it's done. Read the rest of this blog to learn how to collect and prepare your stones and you can go here to learn how to use a pendulum.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Choosing Your Stones

Stones and Meanings

You will go out for a walk, (perhaps two), and find the following seven stones. Look on beaches, along rivers and places you enjoy. Find one or more stones for each of the following meanings.

South: Sun – usually auspicious, Joy, light, growth.

West: Communication – expression, messages, dreams, emotions, twilight, Raven magic.

North: Spirit – Ancient Gods, Earth Spirits, folklore, Spirit of the Bear.

East: Eagle Vision - awakening wisdom, spiritual purpose.

Friends & Family: Relationships – people you don’t know and people you love.

Health: Broad definition of health – lifestyle, thinking, positive emotions, general optimism.

Moon: Veil of Consciousness - emotions & subconscious, some things are hidden.

Preparing Your Stones

When you bring your stones home, you must clear them and prepare them. Wash them with gentle soap and a brush. Soak them over night in salt water (sea salt is best) or natural spring water. If you are unable to do this simply smudge them with smoke from sage, incense or other ritual fire.Talk to them and invite their Spirits to awaken.

Now sort them and decide which stone will represent each meaning (use a pendulum if needed to clarify your choices). Draw a sketch of each and label it to make sure you remember what each means.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Read it Like a Sentence...

Sample Reading

The stones are read in a very simple and direct manner, just like reading a sentence from a book. Along with a photo of the reading, I provide a sketch with notes and a PDF with the traditional meanings for each stone, (which my clients appreciate).

it's very easy to follow along when you review the reading at a later date.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Shaman Stones for Divination

I have been doing psychic readings for many years - the last couple using "Shaman Stones." This highly reliable method of divination was taught to me by a respected shaman and intuitive. I am willing to pass it on to anyone who is seriously interested in learning it. Just e-mail your request to with the word "Learn" as the subject.